Wednesday, February 25, 2015

ROB D CPA, Inc.-Wacky Wednesday-tax return

Are you a bit tired this morning?  Are loud noises keeping you up?  You are not alone.   Don't let the loud, bangs, pops, cracks and snaps worry you to much.  They are called frost quakes and generally speaking they do not indicate a problem with your house.  It is your house crying mercy from these extreme temps we are experiencing.  Basically any moisture that is the wood is expanding and contracting  as the temps go up and down.  Just keep an eye on your house, make sure there are no new cracks are the old ones aren't getting better.
Anyway, today is Wednesday and we have yet another tax related cartoon for you from the crabby Hallmark woman. Enjoy and have a nice day.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this article! My friends in Ottawa had major damage due to
    extreme weather and #frostquakes this winter that left 20' cracks in their foundation walls. They're stuck having to pay for the repair & even had to post a gofundme campaign ("Help save our friends’ home!"). We need to raise awareness because climate change is a serious issue that is affecting us all.








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